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These two things are relics of Luo Yu, and Bai Lian, the star and the Taoist couple, naturally want them back.

When the swallow boat saw it, it immediately turned its spear head and flashed away to win the treasure again.
But before they met the five elements of the cave, they saw that the half-falling stone bracelet had been held by a silver palm, and then the ghosting whirled around, and at first glance, a small mountain fell a hundred feet away.
"Fang Yi? !” Bai Lian star spun around and caught the golden feather that went to Tiehua first, but lost the five elements of land and immediately looked dumbfounded.
See Xu Hengxuan exclaimed, "Brother, come back soon!"
Obviously, he felt that Fang Yi swallows the boat and took the five elements of land before it arrived, and it was dangerous to be alone in the distance.
Fang Yi, however, was so intent on grasping the stone bracelet and glancing at it that he was about to pounce on the swallow boat that he directly branded the Lord in front of everyone and said, "This is my teacher’s property, and I am my teacher’s brother, so I should be kept by our instrument!"
"Ah, you …!" Xu Hengxuan was very surprised. From Fang Yi’s words, it is not hard to hear that he also wants to occupy the five elements of land!
Seeing this, Xu Hengxuan couldn’t believe that his ears were still poor.
He looked at what increasingly strange teacher younger brother "what did you say? Jenny Ann, how can you arrogate to yourself the artifact! ?”
Fang Yi, on the other hand, openly attached the bracelet to her arm and saluted Bai Lianxing at a distance, saying, "Please forgive me, Jenny, for you have fallen after today. You are the successor of the Phantom Palace, but I, the younger brother of the Five Elements Sect, have offended you."
White love star heard that the queen mother’s face flushed suddenly, which can be described as sorrow and sorrow. One mouthful blood immediately splashed out!
Xu Hengxuan and others were frightened to disgrace!
If you want to know that you love the stars, you have witnessed the fall of Luoyu. Now you suddenly know that your mother’s life has fallen. How can you withstand this double blow?
Seeing Jenny’s sad and bloody appearance, Xu Hengxuan has roared like thunder!
He pointed his sword at Fang Yi angrily and said, "Fang Yi ~! How dare you disrespect Jenny? I killed you thief … "
Words not finished Bai Lian star has stretched out his hand and pulled Xu Hengxuan or don’t want to believe to Fang Yi "Fang Yi you … are you serious? How could my mother …? "
Fang Yi’s eyebrows trembled for a moment, and his expression and eyes were determined. "When the northern barrier of the overpass was broken, Tianhou blocked the evil tide and showed its blood strength for nine days. The Fengming large array has fallen, so please ask Jenny … I’m sorry for your loss."
When I heard the word "nine days of Fengming", the white love star fell like a cold pool, and all thoughts were disheartened, and I wept bitterly.
She naturally knows the power of this array, which is what the ancestor Bai Di suppressed the demon Lord. Once she displays herself, she will fall with her life.
At the moment, Fang Yi has accepted the ceremony and stood up and said, "Jenny is now the Lord of Huan Tian Palace and the five elements of heaven are my artifact brother. I must not give the heavy weapon to Jenny to offend."
But at this time, Lin came with a bad tone.
"Hum ~ you … are not in a hurry."
Chapter 92 Tianhuang Ambition Changes in Mountains and Seas
"Hum ~ you … are not in a hurry."
Just then Lin came with a bad tone.
See that kill the ghost who and sex, black witch and others have arrived.
After seeing the scene in front of us, sex and rain swept their eyes badly first. Yan Feizhou and others immediately turned to Fang Yi and said, "Fang Yi, even if the little mistress of the new Huan Tian Palace can still have a little master’s bones and blood in her belly, the five elements of the cave are wheels … it’s not your turn!"
Seeing the double flight of sex and rain, the figure of the witch robe around us looked at it, and it was also quite tough to take risks. The swallow boat had a fear for a while and had to bear it for a while to see the situation change.
See sex double fly stretched out his hand and wei way "don’t make amends to the little Jenny hand ring? Otherwise … The craftsman will make you spill blood on the spot! "
Can Fang Yi hold out a bosom upright unexpectedly flashed a token "patriarch make this ask our instrument can palm five elements? Five-element brother? "
This statement is outstanding. The five-element brother is in the hands of the square instrument. The fruit is the patriarch’s order. Suddenly, you look at me, and I look at you, so you hold the ceremony and drink.
"See the patriarch!"
The five elements of the clan have rules and regulations, and if they meet the patriarch face to face, Fang Yi is also a brother with five spiritual roots. It is well known that the patriarch Luo intends to train the patriarch Fang Yi.
After the instrument showed the token of the patriarch, most of the clansmen complied and paid homage to the ceremony.
In a flash, even the sex has become dumb, and the spirit has lost seven.
Because this token is Luo Yu’s belongings, which represents the patriarch of the Five Elements, now that Fang Yi is in his hands, he is the new patriarch of the Five Elements.
And the patriarch is in charge of the five-color bracelet, which seems to be justified. It is not good for him to interfere too much because of his status as the bodhi old zu in Yunjia.
And swallow the boat and others see the five elements of the clan was silent, how can they give up?
See swallow boat righteously, "this way the bones are not cold, but the ceremony offends Jenny. It can be described as unfilial and unjust. Can you be the first god in the world? Yanmou people are not willing to clean the door with five elements of friends … "
After all, he has been eager to kill Fang Yi, but who knows what medicine he sells in the gourd? Points are the five elements of heaven.
"Hum ~ are all little people"
Sang Luoyun came to Bai Lianxing and gnashed her teeth with anger.
At that time, the four-way peepers followed the righteous and righteously shouting and attacked Fang Yi in succession.
At this time, sex is not going to intervene. After all, it seems to him that Fang Yi, even if he is ordered by the patriarch, is simply a hateful anti-bone.
But now he is not good to the new patriarch, but if others want to start work, they will step in.

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标题:关爱儿童健康,广州儿童按摩公益行温暖人心 导语:为关爱儿童健康成长,提高儿童身体素质,普及儿童按摩知识,广州市儿童保健协会联合多家医疗机构于近日开展了“广州儿童按摩公益行”活动。此次活动旨在让更多家庭了解儿童按摩,让儿童在快乐中健康成长。 正文: 近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,儿童健康问题也日益受到关注。儿童按摩作为一种绿色、健康的养生方式,在我国逐渐兴起。为让更多家庭受益,广州市儿童保健协会携手多家医疗机构,于近日开展了“广州儿童按摩公益行”活动。 活动现场,来自广州市各大医院的儿科专家、按摩师为家长和孩子们提供了一场精彩的儿童按摩体验。专家们现场解答家长们的疑问,普及儿童按摩知识,让家长们了解到儿童按摩的好处和注意事项。 据悉,儿童按摩具有以下几大好处: 1. 促进儿童生长发育:儿童按摩可以刺激骨骼、肌肉的生长,有助于儿童健康成长。 2. 提高免疫力:按摩可以促进血液循环,增强儿童的免疫力,预防疾病。 3. 缓解疲劳:儿童在学习和生活中承受着巨大的压力,按摩可以帮助他们缓解疲劳,提高睡眠质量。 4. 增进亲子关系:家长与孩子共同参与按摩活动,有助于增进亲子感情。 活动现场,家长们纷纷表示,通过这次活动,他们了解到儿童按摩的好处,也学会了如何在家为孩子进行按摩。一位家长表示:“这次活动让我明白了儿童按摩的重要性,以后我会经常给孩子做按摩,让他健康成长。” 此外,活动现场还设置了儿童保健知识咨询区,专家们为家长们提供一对一咨询服务,解答他们在儿童保健方面的疑问。同时,还开展了儿童保健知识讲座,让家长们更加全面地了解儿童保健知识。 此次“广州儿童按摩公益行”活动,得到了社会各界的广泛关注和积极参与。主办方表示,今后将继续开展此类公益活动,为更多家庭提供关爱和帮助。 结语: 儿童是国家的未来,民族的希望。关爱儿童健康成长,是全社会共同的责任。通过开展“广州儿童按摩公益行”活动,让更多家庭了解儿童按摩,让儿童在快乐中健康成长,为我国儿童事业发展贡献力量。让我们携手共进,为孩子们创造一个美好的未来!


在这个快节奏的城市生活中,忙碌的工作、繁琐的家务以及日益增加的压力,都让我们的身心逐渐疲惫。为了找回那份轻松愉悦的心情,越来越多的都市人开始关注养生,而SPA店成为了他们放松身心的理想之地。在广州,就有这样一批专业的美女技师,她们以精湛的技术和贴心的服务,为顾客带来尊贵的美容养生体验。 走进广州的SPA店,首先映入眼帘的是优雅的环境和舒适的氛围。从装修风格到服务流程,都透露出一种高品质的生活品味。而这里的技师团队更是让人眼前一亮,她们不仅外貌出众,更拥有专业的技能和丰富的经验。 在广州的SPA店,你可以享受到各种美容养生项目,如面部护理、身体护理、按摩、水疗等。这些项目都是由专业技师根据你的需求量身定制,让你在享受服务的过程中,感受到身心的彻底放松。 面部护理是SPA店的重头戏,技师们会根据你的皮肤类型和问题,为你提供专业的护肤方案。从洁面、爽肤到精华、面膜,每个步骤都精心细致,让你的肌肤焕发出健康的光彩。在技师们的手中,面膜不再是简单的涂抹,而是一种艺术的呈现。她们会运用专业的手法,将面膜均匀地涂抹在面部,让你的肌肤充分吸收营养。 身体护理则是SPA店的一大特色,技师们会运用各种手法,如推拿、按摩、精油等,帮助你疏通经络、缓解疲劳。在这个过程中,你不仅能感受到身体的放松,还能体验到心灵的宁静。特别是肩颈按摩,对于长时间坐在电脑前的上班族来说,简直是福音。技师们会针对你的肩颈部位进行深度按摩,让你在繁忙的工作之余,享受到片刻的宁静。 除了面部和身体护理,SPA店还提供多种按摩项目,如泰式按摩、中式按摩、瑞典按摩等。这些按摩手法各具特色,能够满足不同顾客的需求。技师们会根据你的体质和喜好,为你推荐最适合的按摩方式,让你在享受按摩的过程中,感受到身心的愉悦。 广州的SPA店,不仅拥有专业的技师团队,还提供个性化服务。在这里,你可以享受到定制化的水疗、芳香疗法、瑜伽等养生项目。技师们会根据你的需求,为你打造专属的养生方案,让你在繁忙的生活中,找到属于自己的养生之道。 总之,在广州的SPA店,你将体验到专业、贴心的美容养生服务。在这里,美女技师们用她们的技艺和关爱,为你带来尊贵的享受,让你在忙碌的生活中,找到属于自己的宁静与美好。不妨放下手中的工作,走进SPA店,让专业的美女技师们为你带来一场身心愉悦的养生之旅吧!